
Wednesday 18 January 2012

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official

I've shown this video now to three classes ranging from Grade 2 to Grade 5. Most of the responses have been, "Cool, Awesome..." The best response though came from Shane (Grade 5) at the end of the day. I was lucky enough to hear this while out in the parking lot saying good-bye to everyone. Shane and two of his buddies were arranging a play date so they could go to Dimtri's house to build a Rube Goldberg machine. When I was outside on recess duty the next day, I asked Dimitri about it and he said it was fun but really hard and it didn't really work, but that he is going home again today to try again.


  1. I was too distracted by the video to listen to the music.

  2. haha, it was the opposite for me XD, the video was awesome, but i really liked the music too
