
Tuesday 24 January 2012

Cue iPads, now what???

You know that feeling when you wake up on your birthday and you know it's going to be an amazing day, but you really don't know exactly what's going to happen? You may have an idea of what you would like to happen, but sometimes it's out of your control. That's kind of how I'm feeling this week. The technology train is about to roll into Thompson station, but who knows what the cargo is or where the train is heading next?
We have our school district's mobile iPad lab on the way and two of the 5 iPads we've ordered have arrived. Now what??? I just keep thinking how great this will be, but I'm not sure how or why. I keep hoping someone will magically appear and tell us what to do and what we need, then I pause and think, "No wait, maybe I need to be that person." That fills me with equal parts excitement and panic. I know very little about what this new technology can offer, but I guarantee I will be learning it from someone like Amber (with the headphones on). I also know I need to step aside and listen to Amber and to all the others in our school who know so much more than me.
Stay tuned for where the train goes next!

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