
Saturday 28 April 2012

Jump Rope for Heart

It has been a little challenging this year to try to do school-wide activities, so it was such a relief and so much fun to do our Jump Rope for Heart activity last Friday. We met as a committee to plan the event and one of the main things we wanted to have happen this year is that kids got into the gym in multi-age groups to skip and shoot hoops. I worked with one of our teachers and our two UBC teacher candidates who had some great ideas about what to do and it was so nice to sit and talk about what our plans are.
We had 3 classes at a time go into the gym to run through 7 stations over a 45 minute period. That all sounds pretty straight forward and not that exciting, but once we got the kids into the gym, explained what they had to do and turned on the music (loud), the real fun began.
The older students played and helped the younger students and the younger students learned some new skills. In the picture to the right, you can see Ramon, Grade 7 and Karen, Kindergarten doing buddy jumping, so great!!!
The kids left the gym sweaty, smiling, happy and I hope proud of themselves for working together as teams of kids. What this morning showed me is that despite what's going on in the political arena, school's are still lively places with teachers involved in making school be about more than just a great math lesson; they are places where students are having fun with each other and with their teachers. This year will pass and I am hopeful that we will be left with mostly the memories of kids smiling, jumping and laughing.

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