
Sunday 4 November 2012

Rainy Day Ramblings

Already November and my last post was July. Pathetic, but doesn't mean I haven't been thinking, just means I haven't been sure what to write about; how to choose which of my rambling thoughts do I want to put into some form of intelligent writing. I am at a new school this year and I am still settling in and getting a lay of the land. Coming to a new school is an opportunity to reinvent myself or to do all the things I had intended to do at my previous school. I think what I have discovered is that I don't actually want to reinvent myself, I like who I am, but I do still want to do things differently and be my better self. I heard a quote today that I like: "Complacency breeds mediocrity." I want to be better than mediocre as a leader at our school. And I hope that the people at our school would want the same for themselves and our students.
I told staff at our beginning staff meeting what my beliefs and values are and here they are:
 1.     My core beliefs and values (in no particular order)
                                                                 i.     Reflection-learning from mistakes
                                                               ii.     Continuous Learning-we are all learners, experts and leaders
                                                              iii.     All children can learn and be successful
                                                              iv.     Relationships are everything
                                                               v.     Start with the end in mind-where are we going and how will we know when we get there? Share this with the students; it’s not a secret!
                                                              vi.     The students are our purpose, what is best for them is at the core of what we do.
                                                            vii.     Honest and open communication-my door is always open
                                                           viii.     Technology can be our friend
                                                              ix.     Parents send us their best kids

                                               I want to live these values and show they are really what I believe. I also want us as a staff to say what we believe for ourselves and for our school; these are difficult conversations to have, but extremely important ones. I also told the staff that my personal goals for the year are: model, inspire and celebrate. Easier said than done, I'm finding.  I just finished Brene Brown's book, "Daring Greatly"and she talks about being vulnerable and how to embrace vulnerability. I think I will add this to my goals, to not be afraid to try, to not be so hard on ourselves when we do try and fail and to realize that everyone is really just trying their best. I am looking forward to a great deal of learning this year, lucky me!